Bellen pictogram

Get Acquainted with the inline inspection dashboard

The interactive way to get more out of your inspection data

All trajectories in one place. In this overview, you have quick insight into the detected anomalies and failure mechanisms per pipeline.

Anomalies in the trajectory

In addition to the exact location of the pipeline, the dashboard shows any anomalies detected in the route. Think leaching, air/gas, dents, h2s or dirt.

Condition of joints

Of each joint you can easily see what the angular rotation or joint width is. Find the critical values and monitor these locations to prevent failure.

Condition of each pipe part

In the dashboard you will find all information about the wall thickness, ovality and deformation of pipe sections. So you can quickly see the condition of your trajectory.

Data tells us everything

Teun Heeres

It all begins with data. Thanks to self-learning data models, you can predict the condition and remaining lifetime of pipelines with increasing accuracy. Including pipelines you haven’t physically inspected.

100% predictability

Your data, supplementary inspection data and our algorithms: together they help you predict risks.

How the Dashboard works

The dashboard provides an interactive way to view and analyze our inspection data. It provides more overview and is much more tangible than a typical report. This way it is clear to everyone in the organization what the state of the pipeline and thus the value of an inspection is. In the overview you can find all sections of pipeline and some general statistics.

Anomalies, joints and pipe parts

Anomalies: The section 'anomalies' allows you to see which anomalies are in which part of the pipeline. All the places where an outlier has been detected in the data are marked on the pipeline.

Joints: Each joint is visualized as a colored dot. The meaning of the color changes depending on what you choose: material, degradation or joint width, for example. All critical values can be easily filtered and found on the route. Clicking on a joint brings all the information listed into view.

Pipe parts: The entire pipeline is divided into smaller pipe parts. You can check the inspection data of each individual section. The dashboard provides information about each part such as wall thickness, deformation and ovality.

Map layers

Superimpose multiple layers to gain even more insight. Turn on the difference settlement map layer to see the risk of settlement in the vicinity of the pipe or plot the deviations over the pipe part information.


Access at all times

24/7 insight via our Cloud Environment.

Boost your insight

Develop algorithms with your inspection data.

Stay 'in control'

Data managed in a user-friendly and coherent dashboard.


Compile reports on the basis of location, wall thickness, leaching, H2S and corrosion.

Maximise the value of your inspection

Use inspection data to predict the condition of uninspected parts of your sewer network.

Full system integration

Integration possible within your existing IT systems by way of API access.

Our Cloud Environment

Opt for a platform that allows you to monitor your network, warns you of possible future failure and keeps you fully in control.

A user-friendly dashboard offers all the insights you need into your water network’s current condition.

We use self-learning data models to analyse measurement data. The more measurement data, the more accurate the predictions will be.

Gain all the insights into your water network you need to achieve focused management and maintenance.

I can review all the condition assessments in a single environment. The dashboard offers me an up-to-date overview of all inspected locations. I can download condition reports to add to our GIS at the click of a button.
Jan Snel Adviseur Assetmanagement en onderzoek Distributie bij Brabant Water N.V.
Jan Snel

Consultant Distribution Advice, Brabant Water

Want to learn about our data solutions in greater detail? Arrange a free demo today.


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